Statement on Maria Svart stepping down as National Director

Socialist Majority Caucus deeply thanks Maria Svart, the outgoing National Director of the Democratic Socialists of America, for her twelve years of service as our organization's most visible leader. She served DSA during the rebirth of socialism as a political force in the United States and a once-in-a-generation period of growth for DSA as an organization. Under Maria’s leadership, DSA grew to a historic number of members and has played an unprecedented role in the movements for labor power, abortion rights, Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, in electing hundreds of socialists to office, and many more.

Maria had a significant role in our collective building of the contemporary movement for democratic socialism. She taught a new generation of socialists the nuts and bolts of organizing, worked with us to develop power analyses and campaign strategies, and pushed us to think politically. Some of us worked directly with her as national leaders and staffers. Many others have met her at conventions, organizing retreats, and visits to chapters. And millions of people have seen her represent DSA in the national media and at international gatherings.

The socialist movement is bigger than any one person, and DSA can remain strong, even with Maria’s departure from this role. The National Political Committee now has a constitutional responsibility to manage a smooth transition and pick a replacement. Any organization of our size needs someone to oversee day-to-day operations and supervise staff. We support a thoughtful and timely transition plan. 

SMC wishes Maria all the best, and we thank her for giving her all to DSA for the past twelve years. We look forward to organizing with her in the future as a rank-and-file member of DSA. Thank you, comrade Maria.

Socialist Majority Steering Committee

The fifteen members of the Socialist Majority Steering Committee are elected by the caucus annually.


Earmarked Fundraising and the Labor Solidarity Fund


January 2024 Newsletter